My intention for the soundscape is to create a piece that communicates a triumphant, grand emotion that follows the simple structure of a beginning, middle, and end. The introduction will probably have to start quiet so it can slowly roll into something more intense throughout the first phase. I am going to try overlapping the same one or two sound in this phase to get louder and louder until it reaches the peak of the first phase so that it can create the right energy to be carried throughout the rest of the piece. The transition to the second phase may be difficult because it will probably have to decrease the energy from the first phase while still setting a rhythm that the rest of the second phase can follow, since the second phase will probably be the meat of the piece. The second phase overall should probably follow some highs and lows, fluctuating around while still communicating the grand energy that I am trying to convey. The end of the second phase will probably have to end very quietly so that the third phase can open in a very direct and notable way, since it will be the finale and the climax. In order to build to that climax, I should probably be drawing from the same sounds as the first two phases so that it can feel related, while still adding some new angle to the sounds that I am using so that it can still feel special. The piece should end with a memorable conclusion, but i am not sure yet if a loud and abrupt conclusion will work or if i should go for a more subtle one.
here are some images I would associate with the mood of the piece I am trying to create
