For this project, I want to see if I can push the boundaries of mixed media animation by creating an animation that blends seamlessly with the environment it is based in. My initial idea that would fit this concept is to create an animation that takes place entirely within a fogged up bathroom mirror while keeping the live action aspect alive during the animation. A human character would leave a handprint on the mirror and the print would come to life, acting out some sort of scene that thematically fits the story. To pull this off, I would have to take a full video of a completely unfogged mirror where the human character is going about their business, then create a “fogged” version by blurring and color correcting the video of the reflection and animating a hole in that top layer so you can see through to the original video. I would use multiple tools, including adobe animate, aftereffects, and grasshopper on rhino to create the 2d animations to fit within the reflection, while closely following the principles of animation that we went over in class. I want to create an original piece of music that thematically fits the story of the mirror in which the music begins right as the animation starts, allowing general ambient noise to carry the live action part of the video. The animation would end at a point that would reengage the live action aspect in a full circle type of way, leading into the credits of the video at the end.
